After conquering the many battlefields in Call of Duty: Black Ops, to drifting your car across the world in Grand Turismo 5 (GT5) there is a never ending supply of data that your PS3 system can save for you. This data is no doubt as important to the user as the system itself! But what happens when your Playstation 3 system hard disk drive (HDD) is filled up with the plethora of downloadable content from game demos, trailers, game saves and growing amounts of downloaded game data. Becoming ever more increasing games such as Infamous and GT5 allow for the installation of game data to the system which can be upwards of 5-6 Gb of data. With numbers being thrown around like that it may make a consumer second guess their choice for the purchase of a 20gb or 40gb PS3 system. However, thanks to VideoGame911 and their HDD upgrade promotion, ALL IS NOT LOST!
Playstation hard drive upgrades are available for those who are looking for added space to expand the capability of their systems. The upgrade process can seem intimidating especially due to the complexity of the units secured saved data meaning the HDD is one format away from losing everything. Unfortunately the plot only thickens as now you are left with the choice of the new HDD that will be replacing the one that came with the system. VideoGame911 offers PS3 HDDs available in sizes ranging from 160GB, 250gb, 320gb, 500gb and 750gb. Depending on the amount of data storage ultimately required in the future will denote which HDD size would be appropriate for the system. One thing consumers should be aware of is the PS3 HDD MUST meet specific requirements to be installed into a Playstation system. Do not assume that faster is better or that any new drive will work. Many of today’s newest hdd’s on the market are NOT compatible with a PS3 and can lead to controller failures or major data loss. Making sure that the HDD has the correct specifications is one of the most important aspects as an incorrect settings on the HDD could potentially YLOD (Yellow Light of Death) your system.
Take solace that offers HDD upgrades of various sizes specifically matched to the PS3 system. Worried about the loss of your saved data? Not an issue for VideoGame911! has perfected a system which is capable of completing the back-up and restore of all your saved data onto your newly purchased PS3 compatible HDD upgrade. Do not learn the hard way that a PS3 HDD upgrade requires specific knowledge of the system design and data structure. Leave it to the professionals at VideoGame911 to complete the swap and you won’t lose a byte of data during the process. Click here for the 320GB hdd upgrade promotion and be prepared for your future storage needs!
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